My passion for the health and wellbeing of children has been at the heart of my professional life for over 20 years.

A fully qualified naturopath and healthcare professional, I’ve worked in the NHS, companies big and small, and now in my own healthcare haven. But no matter where I worked it was always with the goal of improving the lives of the people whom I have the privilege of working with.

Inspiring parents and their children to become their best selves makes my heart sing a happy song. Seeing kids become happier and healthier through the right diet and lifestyle support, tailored for their unique needs, is what drives me to succeed every day.

The fun stuff

I’m partner to Jez, auntie to two amazing nieces, fur-mum to pup Yogi, lover of nature, fairies, magic and unicorns (who isn’t? ;), beach lover, book worm and all-round health and wellness nerd.

And Yogi - well he is an Australian Cobberdog. Bred to be a fabulous support dog for children and adults. He’s furry, fun and ever-so friendly. Loves a tummy tickle and a treat, so please feel free to say hi if you meet him in clinic.

Meet the team